22 Aug 2013


Yes. I am still here. I have been drowned by all wedding preps. And to top all that off, I still jalan raya u olls.

But if you followed my instagram, you know that I had 1001 wedding thingamajigs to do. Heh.

And today, the magic number is...

10 dok.

Dah boleh kira dengan 2 tangan bro.

It has been very tiring these past few days. I finally finished cleaning my room. *hopefully I made more than enough space for the hubs-to-be stuff to come in* Just waiting for the new bed to come in (yah, it is coming in 1 week before the wedding because SOMEONE didn't want me to sleep on it before the wedding)

My invites are almost depleting. My wedding favours are almost done packing.

I hate to think that I left out something to do when I know that everything is done. Doing things last minute is a problem but completing duties early can also be a problem. Haiz.. such is life.

That aside.

The common question I've been getting is...

"So how do you feel? Any jitters yet?"

Well, I would ask the same question to any BTB. And truthfully, if they tell you they have not felt anything yet, they are right. You get so caught up with necessary preps, that you don't feel any jitters yet. The main thing in your mind is getting things done.

And I have also been practicing the "pantang" trend between pantins-to-be. We stopped meeting each other 1 month before the wedding, and so far, Alhamdulillah. You have some time to yourself and truthfully, you have some time with your loved ones. Well afterall, it is just one month what. After that, you can berkepit all you want with him kan? Hehe.

I hope all you BTBs are having loads of fun getting things done for the wedding. Despite all the stress, worry and tiredness, I did have fun. I know I will miss the process eventually, but then again, I look forward to the marriage.

I think I will only feel jitters when I see henna on my hands. I think that is a clear indication that "this is it". You get what I mean kan?

Sorry la u olls, I takde la update pape sgt. I think right now, all I need is loads of rest. Oh my poor dark circles.....

Nonetheless... I nak repeat lagi...

The wedding card reveal.

P.S. Macam mana punya bagus je. HAHA


  1. I yang ada jitters baca your post! But all the best babe, insyaAllah everything will go as planned! :)

  2. so exxxciting!!! all the best for your big day, babe! :D
